What you see at left is not what you might hope it is...no, it's not some lost or unpublished vintage Micronauts illustration, nor is it the cover art for a long awaited re-launch of Marvel's mightiest Micro-team, but it was drawn by someone you might associate with that title... Although Marvel Comics is definitely not bringing back the Micronauts anytime soon (or ever!), this commissioned piece was indeed illustrated by what some consider to be the signature artist from that series: the legendary Michael Golden. After almost 20 years of not being on the comic convention circuit, 2006 saw Michael returning to doing personal appearance at shows and cons which meant that fans could finally meet and visit with one of their all time favorite comic book artists live and in person. It also gave fans the possibility of obtaining some original artwork from him as well...and for the last year Michael has been booked solid with commissions! Along side his current regular work doing cover art for such publishers as DC Comics, Michael has been bombarded at every show taking on commissions, signing comics and chatting with fans. Of course, ISO could not pass up the opportunity of a life time, and the end result is what you see before you. A one-of-a-kind new Michael Golden Micronauts original. Eat your hearts out.
![]() commission by Clayton Henry © 2007 innerspace online |
And Golden hasn't been the only one to be commissioned by ISO for some new original Micro-art. At left is a stunning Acroyear illustration by Clayton Henry. Clayton has worked on such titles as Exiles, Alpha Flight, and is currently on Uncanny X-Men for Marvel Comics. At right is a piece featuring the Micronauts sidekick supreme, and coincidentally is the favorite character of artist who drew it, the one and only Bug by Rags Morales. Rags actually drew a 5 page Micronauts portfolio piece a few years back as a proposed re-launch, but since those pages are no longer in his hands, ISO is proud to feature this in it's stead.
![]() commission by Rags Morales © 2007 innerspace online |
Princess Mari has always been the Micronauts resident hottie, so who better to illustrate her than someone who is best known for drawing some of the sexiest Marvel heroines ever? ISO had to look no further than Olivier Coipel of New Avengers fame and the current Thor series for Marvel for this masterpiece. If you haven't seen his infamous pinup of Spider Woman I suggest you Google it now...
ISO is tremendously proud to show you one it's most prized possessions.
Recently, the comic world lost one of it's most talented illustrators
and arguably one of the nicest guys ever by the name of Mike
Weringo. Mike died earlier this year of a heart attack at the young
age of 44, and fans and pros all around the world were stunned and saddened.
Mike got his name working on DC's The Flash and quickly wowed Marvel fans
as well with his work on Spider-Man as well as the Fantastic Four. Some
thought his animated style of art wasn't "serious enough looking"
for super hero books, but the simple fact is that Mike was one of those
guys who could truly render ANYTHING perfectly and with virtually no effort
what so ever. He was a master illustrator with a unique style and kept
a daily blog where he would post doodles and sketches with each entry
that were simply amazing. Mike left us way too soon, and ISO is thankful
to have had the chance to briefly talk to him, pick his brain about art,
and best of all watch him work.
Mikes own personal creation Tellos is now finally being collected in a hard cover version and is highly recommended if you'd like to see what Mike did best. Stay tuned to ISO
for future announcements on exciting new commissions to be added to
the gallery! Oh yeah, and then there's that new Ken Kelly Micronauts painting that should probably be unveiled... |
images © 2007 innerspace online productions