along side the other capsule Microman in 1975 came the heavy duty "Super
Steel" versions- an all die-cast metal figure body with chrome head. There
were 2 different types released, this one being the "hand bazooka" style:
or the M22X series.
"hand bazooka" refers to the missile launcher, which can be fired with
the flick of a switch. This shoots the projectile, and the whole launcher snuggly
fits into the 5mm hole in his back. With removal of the chestplate, the bazooka
can also be fitted into the 5mm plug in the chest, so the figure can hold it...and
take aim!
of the major differences of the Microman version to the Mego version include the
torso being held together with a small screw, rather than the rivet like in the
Micronauts Galactic Warrior. The ankles are also movable, and while the coloring
of the figures bodies are similar, the Microman's paint jobs are a bit richer
in color. Another major change was Mego's addition of the "safety style"
rubber mushroom tiped missile.
left to right are the heroic Super Steel Microman: M221 Robin, M223 Rocky, and
M222 Robert.