Battery powered toys are always a great addition to any toy line, and just like the original Mego Micronauts, the Inter-changeables had a few too. The Cosmic Amphi-Copter, just like the original Mego Hydro Copter, offered a toy that could be played with just as much in the water as well as out of it.

These types of motorized toys were probably a bit more expensive to produce, thus leading to the use of the cheaper plastic that they were cast in. The Cosmic Amphi-Copter was also the only IC ship that sported the often used Mego named "aqua motor" , which was a simple plastic casing that held an A battery which in turn turned the gears inside the fuselage . This would spin the propeller blades and rotate the bubble cockpit that would move the ship forward. When the paddles were added, they would rotate as well.


The Cosmic Amphi-Copter came with a multitude of extra accessories, thereby allowing it to be used and configured in may different modes. One not pictured here is the "bubble ship". With the cockpit bubble separated from the fuselage , the mounting yoke can be attached to the sides with the aqua motor mounted beneath.


The Cosmic Amphi-Copter also came with Inter-changeables versions instruction and sticker sheets, which were basically altered Micronauts sheets. Also any kind of copyright or company info was removed from the ships body, and any kind of release date or year indication on the packaging was nonexistent…even further deepening the mystery of the exact origins of the toys altogether. The Micronology below shows Cosmic Amphi-Copter clocking in as the 3rd variation on the same ship.