In 1979,
the Hyperion vehicle was released at the end of the Micronauts run, mostly
in the European market. This was one of 2 vehicles not based on a Microman
counterpart. As a boxed item, Hyperion was based on the Takara Timanic
Nicmachine 2, but went thru major changes and modifications to become
part of the Micronauts line. The Nicmachine was basically a flat vehicle
built for a larger scale figure, so Mego removed a small section from
the surface, and added a Stratastation chair molded in behind that opened
area to allow the 3 3/4" figure to sit.
side rocket thrusters were also shaved off the body, remolded and doubled
over, and used as a new piece that could be attached to the body via 5
mm peg/hole system, called the grey propulsor units. A small grey wheel
with red holder fit into the underside front, while the rear had a space
for a wind up motor, whch was cased in white platic instead of the usual
chrome. This motor would be used again in numerous Micronaut vehicles,
due to its adapability with the 5mm peg/hole system. When holding the
wheels (fitted with rubber tires) you could turn the white nob in a clockwise
direction. When released, the wheels would spin propelling the vehicle
forward. A surplus of these motors would later be released mainly in the
Canadian markets as a 3 pack carded set.
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strange addition was that of 2 small red wheels with grey holders, identical
to those used with Biotrons accessroies. These fit into the bodies underside
also, but did not touch the ground when the wind up motor and front wheel
were in place. Altho the box photo shows the Hyperion wth the orignal
Nicmachine missile launcher mounted on the front, it actually came packaged
with an Astrostation rear missile launcher, molded in grey instead of
blue, and 3 ill-fitting long shafted Star Searcher rubber tipped missiles.
seemed to be a mix of cool retooling and quckly thrown together parts,
but still remains one of the rarest and hard to find vehicles in the Micronaut
line. Along with an instruction and sticker sheet, Hyperion came packaged
wih a Time Traveler figure. This vehicles design would be used again in
the Mego Pocket Super Heroes line as the Hulk